
Smart menu holders at The Royal Albert Hall

Royal Albert Hall -Smart Hospitality Supplies

If you’re in the catering trade you’ll understand that presentation is key (as well as the food itself of course!) and whilst the customer is waiting for their meal to be served, they will noticeably take in their surroundings to get a feel for the environment they’re in.  I had a meal at a local pub/restaurant the other night and after a quick glance around (as we do when waiting for food) it’s always interesting to see how many of us actually analyse the design of menu covers and pass comment on them. 

Word of mouth plays a big role with our customer base too – for example, I get a lot of enquiries from customers saying they were visiting a certain cafe or golf club and how they really like the design of their menu covers and have subsequently been given our contact details.

One of the highlights of working in the industry that I’m in is no two days are the same in the office. Our customer base varies so widely and it’s always interesting to speak with different people all the time.

After completing some menu cover designs for some of our local restaurants and pubs one day, the next day there’s an enquiry from the hospitality department of The Royal Albert Hall for their Coda restaurant.

Yes!  THE Royal Albert Hall – one of our nation’s most prestigious establishments!  Can you imagine our reaction at the time?

Together, we worked on a design theme that we felt complimented the decor of the restaurant and the image they wanted to portray et voila…you’ll see from the below picture an array of menu covers we have designed for various establishments.

A selection of menu covers we have produced for various clients.

Whether it be a new business start-up or a revamp or even ad-hoc themed events, it’s always interesting to see the different styles and designs our customers go for and a joy to see our work being presented to hundreds of their customers in return.

Recently we’ve been receiving a lot of hospitality enquiries from restaurants and cafes for inspiration to take their establishment to the next level…