Serving Spoons & Ladles

Ladles and Serving Spoons are essential tools for any commercial kitchen

If you’re an avid cook or host significant hospitality events, you know the proper utensils are necessary.

They are two pieces of equipment every professional cook needs, as they are universal tools that can be used for various cooking and serving tasks.

Showing all 2 results

Deglon Glisse Plain Serving Spoon

SKU: CL943
Original price was: £23.99.Current price is: £20.40. ex VAT

Material: Stainless Steel. Length: 12.5″/320mm

Material: Stainless Steel. Length: 12.5"/320mm

Deglon Glisse Soup Ladle

SKU: CL947
Original price was: £27.99.Current price is: £23.80. ex VAT

Material: Stainless Steel. Length: 12″/305mm

Material: Stainless Steel. Length: 12"/305mm

What is a ladle used for?

They are food utensils with a long handle and a deep bowl or scoop at the end. They are typically used for serving and portioning liquids, such as soups, stews, gravies, sauces, and squash.

They are also commonly used in commercial kitchens and catering settings, often made from durable materials like stainless steel or polycarbonate to withstand frequent use and washing.

What are the different types of ladles and their uses?

A Soup ladle is perfect for serving soups, stews, and chilli. They have a large bowl that can hold a generous amount of liquid and a long handle that keeps your hands away from the hot contents of the pot.

A Gravy ladle has a smaller bowl and a spout that make it easy to pour gravy or sauces over your dishes. They're also great for serving salad dressings or condiments.

A Squash ladle is more significant than a soup one and is designed for serving squash and other beverages. They often have a decorative design and a spout for pouring.

What are the different sizes of ladles?

Small ones, perfect for dishing out sauces, dressings, or condiments, typically hold about 30 to 60 millilitres and measure around 15 to 18 centimetres in length.

Medium-sized versions are more adaptable, making them great for serving a variety of liquids like gravies, broths, and soups. They usually hold between 60 and 120 millilitres and measure about 20 to 25 centimetres in length.

Large ladles cater to those who must serve generous amounts of liquids, such as punch or stew. These spoons can hold around 120 to 240 millilitres and measure approximately 30 to 35 centimetres.

Commercial kitchens and catering settings may be available in even larger sizes to accommodate serving large quantities of food.

Choosing the appropriate size of ladle for your dish is essential to ensure proper portion control and prevent waste.

What are Serving Spoons used for?

Serving spoons are an essential tool in commercial settings, helping to ensure efficient and high-quality service to customers.

Whether in a restaurant, cafeteria, or food village, spoons serve a wide variety of dishes in large quantities. They help control portion sizes, prevent cross-contamination, and create an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere for guests.

What are the different types of spoons and their uses?

Slotted serving spoons have holes in the bowl that allow excess liquid to drain away. They're great for serving vegetables, pasta, and other dishes with much liquid.

Solid serving spoons have a concrete bowl and are perfect for serving foods like mashed potatoes or casseroles.

Dessert serving spoons are smaller than regular serving spoons and often have a decorative design. They're ideal for serving desserts like pie or cake.

Is a dinner spoon the same as a serving spoon?

A dinner spoon is a small utensil typically used for eating soup, dessert, or cereal. It's usually around 6 to 7 inches (15 to 18 centimetres) long and has a small bowl or scoop at the end.

A serving spoon is a larger utensil used for serving food. It's typically longer than a dinner spoon, with a larger bowl or scoop at the end. Serving spoons come in different shapes and sizes depending on their intended use.

Factors to choose before purchasing serving spoons and ladles

It's essential to consider the materials they're made of. Stainless steel is a popular choice for both utensils because it's durable and easy to clean.

They are also available in other materials, such as silicone and wood. Silicone is excellent for non-stick cookware because it won't scratch the surface, while wooden utensils add a rustic touch to your kitchen.

What are the different designs you can choose from?

There are plenty of options to choose from. Classic designs are always popular, but modern and contemporary designs are also available. You can even find them with decorative handles, such as floral designs.

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